In trying to find our balance, we can collect a lot of tools along the way. Here are some from me.

Trauma, Nervous System + Somatic Self-Education

Other books that can expand our understanding of the human mind and why people are the way they are

The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog


Jessica Maguire -

Irene + Scot Lyon

Justin LMFT

Anything by Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat

Justin Sunsieri LMFT has had a really handy dandy Polyvagal 101 page up for a long time now and keeps improving it:

Printable PDFs

Free, downloadable PDFs to give you more energy on your journey. Print ‘em out or fill ‘em in on your tablet.


Daily Ritual

A printable, 14 day journal with questions to help you recenter and realign yourself. This is a combination of the Morning and Night Rituals and can be done at any time of day so you only have to be responsible once. ;)


Morning Ritual

A printable, 14 day journal with questions to help you generate the energy to be your own best support, and show up powerfully in your day.

How to use the Morning Ritual.


Night Ritual

A printable, 14 day journal with questions to help you transmute the energy you’ve experienced into encouragement, alignment, and peace.

How to use the Night Ritual.


Head Trips Questions

14 days of medicine for surviving stressful Head Trips. Get clarity on where your thoughts are holding you back, and challenge those limiting and damaging lies.


Guided medivationals (meditation + motivation!) and other nervous system state shifting audio bits.